Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What's going on?

I wanted to give a quick update about upcoming appearances, events and new books!

On May 8th, I will be the first hostess for the ChickLit Party celebrating International Chick Lit Month. I am so VERY excited about this one! I don't know about you all, but I am in love with all things British right now. I just finished up two of Lucy Robinson's book, read another by Emma Garcia, and read the entire Sunlounger Anthology (resulting in a massive and super painful sunburn because I read on the boat. OUCH). 

Anyhow, I loved them all! If you are a lover of chicklit or women's fiction, please join me for the event. It kicks off at 9 am CST and continues for about 12 hours. Each hour the hostess will pass the baton to some other new awesome author. 

My debut novel is released and out on Amazon, awaiting your perusal. The sequel is being polished up and will hopefully be out within the next 6 months.

I am also in the query process (shudder) with a romantic comedy. I know you aren't supposed to get attached to your books, but I fell in love with Katie and Will's story. I hope that soon this one will be brought to life. I received a request for a partial and I've sent a few full manuscripts out. Cross your fingers for me!

And...I'm writing a twist on the classic Fairytales called The Hunt for Snow. Imagine if Snow White was a gun-toting bad ass and half in love, half in lust with the Huntsman...who isn't all that great of a guy. Well, he would be if the evil queen wasn't controlling him and causing him to think murderous thoughts towards the lovely Snow. This one has been entered into the American Idol writing contest at the upcoming Romantic Times Booklovers Convention. I hope to finish that one before school is out. Summer is brutal to write in because I have three kiddos all vying for my attention. It's not an environment conducive to creative thought!

Speaking of the convention...I will be signing books on May 17th at the Giant Book Fair in New Orleans. We'll be at the Canal Street Marriott. Look for the giant brunette tripping over her heels or accidentally getting tangled up in her jewelry. I'm afraid I'm much cooler on paper. 

So far, folks, it's been an amazing year. I've already finished two books and hope to get a couple more out before the year's end. Considering it took about a year to write my first one, I think I'm making pretty good progress! 


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